Dynastic special VIP organization:
Society for promoting the Revival of Holy Russia
Dynastic special VIP organization:
Society for promoting the Revival of Holy Russia
Members of the Imperial Family, scattered by the will of fate in different countries and different continents of The globe, in the middle of the last century of the second Millennium of Christ for the spiritual unity and mutual cooperation of the Imperial dynasties of the world community was created by the world Special VIP organization: “THE WORLD IMPERIAL DYNASTIES”, which includes many representatives of the monarchical houses of different countries, including the descendants of the Imperial Romanov Dynasty and the princely family of Dmitriev, belonging to one of the branches of the family tree. Later, in the late 80-ies of the XX century, in Russia in Moscow was opened a representative Office, called – “Imperial Society of Russia”.
On June 2, 1994 in the territory of the Russian Federation the Charter of public Association “Imperial society” was registered in the Ministry of justice of RSFSR and In Department of justice of the city of Moscow.
In order to conduct monetary and financial activities that do not contradict the Russian legislation, the Ministry of taxes and duties of the Russian Federation has also made the state registration of the legal entity “Imperial society”.
In the end, there appeared a powerful new financial and political structure, which shall address the priorities of society in shaping the image and promotion of national interests and country brand, as essential for Russia’s ideological actions, allowing to raise the prestige of the Russian people in General, in the eyes of the international community, in accordance with its real political and economic role in global financial and political system.
The company supports the domestic and foreign policy pursued by the Russian State, provides assistance and support to the current President of the Russian Federation.
First of all, the “Imperial Society of Russia” pursues the high goals of the revival of faith, spirituality and the best noble traditions, education of children and youth in the spirit of patriotism, morality and nobility, honor, dignity and love for the Motherland, respect for its great historical past, preservation and development of a sense of pride for their country, responsibility for future generations, all that determined the foundations and moral principles of the nobility, turning them to selfless service to the Fatherland and the revival of Russia, forming the character and personality of the Russian Person, a citizen-patriot, able to stand up for the national interests of the country – to be a patriot automatically means the desire and ability, if necessary, without sparing the very life to protect their Homeland-Mother RUSSIA!
“Imperial Society of Russia” promotes revival and cultivation in all layers of society of glorious historical traditions of native Russian culture, spiritual sources of our people, national consciousness, customs of our ancestors, heroic and aristocratic beginnings, conducts educational and Patriotic work with children and teenagers, both in the territory of the Russian Federation, and far beyond its limits.
Russian nation has more than a thousand-year tradition of national statehood, a rich culture, the Russian language is one of the recognized languages of the world.
Russia is ahead of the planet in terms of natural and territorial resources, which is why it is one of the most tasty morsels for resource hunters.
At the present time, not only natural disasters have increased exponentially on our planet, where the global problems of mankind are also added, along with our technical capabilities, with an increased zone of tension in the socio-economic sphere, against this background, political problems are even more brightly and sharply exposed, as a consequence of the life-and-death struggle for world resources and world domination in the end…
The history of mankind testifies that in any confrontation the state wins, whose national policy is stronger, the economy is more universal, the army is better armed, the people are United and are patriots of their land.
Gentlemen, who really wish good and happiness to the long-suffering, but truly great and Holy Russia and all its Heroic People, located both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, we propose to appeal to His Excellency the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with the lowest request to consider the question of holding the next Presidential elections in 2024, not Presidential elections, but to hold a Council similar to the Zemstvo – the, which was held more 400 years ago, during Polish turmoil in February 1613 year, on which on tsarist throne was elected representative kind of Romanov – Mikhail Fedorovich – ancestor romanovskoy dynasty, reigning on Russias more 300 years.
I want to see, “The Imperial Society of Russia” puts before itself the purpose to lead to the throne has already occurred to be the Royal dynasty or their close relatives that are many years in exile away from Russia and do not know, no life of his own people, and often even the Russian language and, what’s more, many of which have deep grievances, and the people who, in their opinion, repressed, took away untold wealth and banished their ancestors, and even to Russia itself-Mother, which was not their own Mother as “mothers” for most of them were USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, Spain, etc., but, alas, not Russia…
Historical background-historical regularity: always at all times-epochs, all peoples, since the existence of living beings on the Planet, the leader of the pack (king) has always become the strongest, bravest and wisest, able to protect their fellow tribesmen and lead them to a bright future.
The Romanov family did not justify itself – the abdication of Nicholas II plunged the Great country into a great and terrible bloodbath…
Nicholas II Alexandrovich was undoubtedly a worthy man (and, to his credit, he also took his death with dignity), but He was too kind and gentle, which was not at all consistent with the role of the Head (Leader, Leader, Tsar, Emperor…) of the great Power – the Russian Empire. His main mistake was that he abdicated the Throne and the Power given to him by God! Though Nikolay Aleksandrovich sincerely believed that he does it for the good of Russia…
In the vast expanses of our vast Motherland – Mother Russia was, is and will always be countless worthy sons who are ready to make a sacrifice in the name of the Fatherland, and this History proves for more than one Millennium. But are there such individuals who are so loyal, brilliant and charismatic, versatile and harmoniously developed, ready to fully and completely devote themselves and their lives to their Fatherland and People, to become a real Leader-a Leader from God, among the representatives of the current leading elite of modern Russia ??…
Dear Ladies and gentlemen, Friends and Compatriots!
We are for a constitutional monarchy.
A constitutional monarchy is a monarchy in which the power of the monarch is limited by the Constitution.
With our Russia – God is with us !!!
With deep respect, care and attention,
His Grace Prince of the Dmitriev-Mamonov princely family –
direct descendants of Prince Rurik, the founder of the first dynasty of Russian Tsars,
Copyright holder of the Golden Order of the Romanov family “Saint Nicholas II”,
Founder, Chairman of DS VIP organization: “THE WORLD IMPERIAL DYNASTIES”,
Representative of the Order of the Roman Eagle in Russia and CIS countries,
Marshal of the Empire of the “Order of the Roman Eagle” (honorary title),
Record holder of the Book “Records and Achievements of Russia”,
Keeper of the Treasury of the “Imperial Award Fund”,
Knight of the Order of the Golden Knight’s Cross,
Head of “The IMPERATOR ♛ Group” of Companies,
President of the International fund “VVP”
Dmitriev Valery Marksovich