Michael Federovich
(12.07.1596 – 13.02.1645)
Michael Federovich
(12.07.1596 – 13.02.1645)
Alexey Mikhailovich
(19.03.1629 – 29.01.1676)
Feodor Alexeevich
(30.05.1661 – 27.04.1682)
Sophia Alexeyevna
(05.09.1657 – 03.07.1704)
Ioann V Alexeevich
(27.08.1666 – 29.01.1696)
1721 – 1917 гг.
Peter I Alekseevich
(30.01.1672 – 28.01.1725)
Ekatherine I Alekseevna
(05.04.1684 – 06.05.1727)
Peter II Alexeyevich
(12.10.1715 – 18.01.1730)
Anna Ioannovna
(28.01.1693 – 17.10.1740)
Ioan VI Antonovich
(12.08.1740 – 04.07.1764)
Elizabeth Petrovna
(18.12.1709 – 25.12.1761)
Peter III Fedorovich
(10.02.1728 – 06.07.1762)
Ekatherine II Alexeevna
(21.04.1729 – 06.11.1796)
Pavel Petrovich
(20.09.1754 – 12.03.1801)
Alexander I Pavlovich
(12.12.1777 – 19.11.1825)
Alexander III Alexanderovich
(26.02.1845 – 20.10.1894)
Alexander II Nikolaevich
(17.04.1818 – 01.03.1881)
Nicholai I Pavlovich
(25.06.1796 – 18.02.1855)
Nicholai II Alexandrovich
(06.05.1868 – 17.07.1918)
The Romanovs are a boyar family, from 1613 – the Tsar’s, from 1721-the Imperial dynasty in Russia, which ruled until March 1917.the Ancestor of the house of Romanov, as well as a number of other boyar and noble families is Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla – a boyar of the Grand Duke of Moscow John I Kalita (1328-1340) and his successor Simeon the Proud (1340-1353). His name was first mentioned in the annals in 1347.
The first historical figure, which can be called the ancestor of the Romanovs, is the leader or head of the Prussian, in other words, one of the oldest Slavic Nations-Borteve, named divon, who was nicknamed the Bear. In the last quarter of the thirteenth century, under the onslaught of the Teutonic knights who conquered his country, he arrived with all his family in Lithuania.
Autocracy in our country began to assert itself with Ivan III after 1480, when Moscow Russia became independent from the Great Turkic Horde. Until that time, there could be no question of any autocratic rule, since Moscow Russia was only the lot of the great Slavic Power (Rusenia), and then, for a short time, the lot of the Great Turkic Horde. Therefore, to determine the duration of autocracy, it is enough to take away 1480 years from 1917, we get 437 years, which is much less than 500 years. However, these 437 years did not mark the undisputed rule of the autocracy.
At the beginning of the XV century, the great Slavic Power (Rusenia) broke its strength in the fight against numerous external and internal enemies. In the West, this was expressed in the separation from it of the Great Turkic Horde, which from 1420 to 1480 maintained its supremacy over Moscow Russia. The fact of weakening of the great Slavic Power (Rusenia) and separation of the Great Turkic Horde from it led to the initiation of the process of unification of the Horde Slavic-Cossack clans with the Slavic clans of Moscow Russia, as a result of which a powerful Russian state was formed. The autocracy of Ivan III at this time was based on the idea of unity of the Slavs and on countering the external threat emanating after 1480 from the Turkic-Bulgarian (Kazan) khanate, the Great Turkic Horde and the Lithuanian state. An important role in strengthening the Moscow state played Sagittarius regiments, which were formed from the Slavic-Cossack element. The level of combat capability of the Sagittarius regiments at that time was the highest in the world, since the Horde system of training the armed forces had not yet been lost.
After the death of the Great Turkic Horde and the conquest of the Turkic-Bulgar (Kazan) khanate in the Moscow state intensified the struggle of two trends of social development: the free-state (Slavonic-Cossack) and autocratic-absolutist (Western). In the great Slavic State (Slovenia), the Supreme Ruler (Prince) was chosen for a period of 7 years. Depending on how well he managed the power, he was left at the top of power often for life. However, each time a new re-election occurred after 7 years. Candidates then put forward the most famous kind. Now-candidates are nominated by parties. Admiral Kolchak, who took the title of Supreme ruler, did not invent anything himself. He relied on the knowledge preserved in Siberia about the past history of Armenia and its top leadership.
The time of Ivan the terrible, just marks the beginning of this stage of the struggle. Therefore, when official historians, describing the time of Ivan the terrible, reduce everything to boyar self-will and negativity of the character of this king, at least dissemble. The main content of the beginning of the period was the struggle of the two main trends of social development of the free-state and autocratic-absolutist. It is no coincidence that at this time the autocratic circles began to look for support in the West, since it was in Europe that the autocratic-absolutist trend then reached its peak.
The annexation of Siberia at the end of the XVI century, which had previously been the center of the great Slavic Power (Russenia), significantly strengthened the free-state principle, which led to the activation of its resistance to the autocratic-absolutist principle. The result of the aggravation of the struggle of these people to the extreme, just was the time of Troubles. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the free-power tendency that prevailed in Siberia did not allow the introduction of serfdom here. The fact is that the tribal order in Siberia was preserved for a very long time. Therefore, the autocracy could not grant Siberian lands to its nobility, as this could cause a civil war with unforeseen consequences.
But this struggle, at the same time, led to the weakening of the state, which did not fail to take advantage of external enemies.
The Polish-Lithuanian intervention, though not immediately, forced the reconciliation of these two tendencies and saved the country from disintegration. However, the struggle did not end there. Established the power of the Romanov dynasty, was descended from a nobleman by the name of the Mare, a native of West Slavic lands. She retained close ties with her numb relatives. Representatives of this dynasty were well aware that the free-power Slavic-Cossack circles in the country are strong and that they will constantly hinder the strengthening of autocracy. They also realized that to cope with their opponents in one fell swoop will fail. Therefore, they chose a gradual way to eradicate the free-power tendency, by destroying its historical, military, religious and economic traditions.
Since the Streltsy were the mainstay of the free-power tendency, the Romanovs began this struggle with the organization of armed force. Streltsy served voluntarily and were recruited from free people of Slavic-Cossack origin. This, of course, did not suit the Romanovs. And they turned to the European experience of building mercenary armies. In 1632, the first soldier’s mercenary regiment was formed. In 1639, a second mercenary soldier regiment appears. The reason was not that these regiments fought better, but that these regiments could carry out any order of the authorities. They fought often much worse musketeer regiments. To change this, the Romanovs began to gradually reduce spending on Sagittarius regiments and increase spending on soldiers ‘ mercenary regiments. Thus, in army, gradually, in contrast to Streltsy, was created a new organizational structure-mercenary soldier’s army, in which now could recruit foreigners, serving reliance autocratic power in the fight with Russian Volno-derzhavnoy tradition. Thanks to the creation of such an army at the court of the Romanovs, adventurers of different stripes and masons, to whom the interests of the country and its people were absolutely alien, were registered for a long time.
But the Romanovs also understood that the new armed force, although it made it easier for them to hold power, could not yet change the mentality of the people. Therefore, the next step in strengthening the autocracy was placed on Christianity, as it is the best support of the Celtic power. The fact is that at this time in the Church there was a struggle between the Vedic and Christian worldviews. Christian worldview was called Orthodox, and Vedic-Orthodox. The vast majority of the laity were of the Orthodoxy. The Orthodox were the mainstay of the free-state tradition. That’s where the first blow was struck. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, Nikon carried out a Church reform, according to which the Christian Church is declared “Orthodox”, and all dissenters — heretics, subject to destruction. At this time, Church Chronicles are being intensively rewritten, naturally, in accordance with the Christian worldview and the wishes of the reigning dynasty. However, the Church reform-forgery, was not the last in this series. At the same time, another forgery related to the name of the country is carried out. In this title begin to use the name of the great Slavic Power (Rusenii). And it is simply distorted. Rastenii appears instead of the scattering, which in 1 Peter is called Russia.
Parallel to these “reforms” is the enslavement of the peasantry. All this could not but stir up the masses. The mainstay of the uprising were the Cossack settlements of the don and the Urals, which then in practice implemented the Slavic-Cossack free-state tradition. Stepan Razin’s rebellion of 1670-71 is another civil war, equal in importance to the time of troubles. A significant part of the Sagittarius regiments supported Razin. Because of this, the autocracy put up against the rebels soldiers ‘ mercenary regiments and local noble militia. The struggle was hard. However, thanks to the best technical equipment, the autocracy managed to win.
After this victory, autocratic absolutism became much stronger. The Romanovs realized that in the fight against their own people, the best helpers are foreigners. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov foreigners at court are already in considerable numbers. It was at this time, not without prompting foreigners-masons, going and burned the bulk of the ancestral books of the Russian nobility. These were the last mass sources of the history of the Russian people. At the same time the number of regiments of the soldiers ‘ system was increased and the autocracy now relied entirely on them. Sagittarians were deprived of many privileges. All this could not but cause dissatisfaction with the archers.
Rumor about the murder of Tsarevich Ivan stirred the Streltsy, who rebelled in 1682 and captured Moscow. The leaders of the Streltsy, using the General discontent, tried to put the head of the state the head (chief) of the Streltsy order of Prince I. A. Khovansky. However, the Regent-Princess Sophia managed to deceive Prince Khovansky, who was captured and executed. Many other Sagittarians were then captured and executed. The Sagittarius revolt was suppressed. The head of the Sagittarius order was a supporter of Sophia F. Shaklovity. It became clear to the autocracy, and especially to the foreigners who served it, that in order to put an end to the free-power tradition, radical autocratic-absolutist reforms had to be carried out in the country. This became possible after the accession of Peter I, whose teachers were Freemasons-Swiss Gordon and German Lefort.
They brought up in Peter I thirst for immense power, disrespect for all national-Russian, the desire to remake it on the European model. In 1689, Peter I. relying on part of the nobility, the Patriarch of Moscow, preobrazhentsev, semenovtsev and some Streltsy carries out a coup d’etat and displaces the Regent-Princess Sophia. The Sagittarians who supported her were defeated. About six thousand people were executed. Peter the great personally cut the heads. Was executed and the head of Streltsov F. Shaklovity. Thus the last barrier to autocratic absolutism was swept away. In this regard, the stories of official historians about the backwardness of Russia and the need for “progressive” reforms are nothing but falsifications designed to hide the essence of the case.
Source: https://slawa.su/letopisi/2562-rasssenija-dopetrovskogo-perioda.html